
New Event – Brexit: what next for Bradford & Beyond?

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FarageWhat will the EU vote mean for Bradford and the country? Focus has been on the markets, the pound and trade, but how will affect Bradfordians, our local economy and our council? Join four outstanding speakers, including the Susan Hinclcliffe, leader of the council, and Simon Cooke, leader of Bradford Conservative group, to hear how they think voting leave will change our lives, and ask questions about what’s around the corner.

  • When: Wednesday 27th July – 7.15pm
  • Where: Bier Keller, Morley St, Bradford (just behind The Alhambra)
  • Get your free ticket today.

Our expert panel will share how they think the vote to leave will affect you and your family in Bradford. You’ll also have the perfect opportunity to ask questions about what plans for leaving have been made, how the vote might affect you, and what we can expect over the coming weeks, months & years.


Our panel:

Susan HinchcliffeCllr Susan Hinchcliffe is leader of the council & the ruling Labour group, and campaigned for Remain during the referendum campaign. She has been a councillor for Windhill & Wrose since 2011, and has previously stood for election as MP for Shipley. She was previously on the council’s Executive as portfolio holder for Education, Skills & Culture. A successful business person as well, Cllr Hinchcliffe is the bête noir of the T&A comments section with any story about her always causing gnashing of teeth below the line.

CookeCllr Simon Cooke is leader of Bradford’s Conservative group and one of the District’s most senior and outspoken politicians, and campaigned to Leave. We’re delighted to have him return to our stage. Cllr Cooke serves the people of Bingley Rural with passion, is never one to duck an argument or gloss an opinion, and is arguably the District’s most outspoken politician on social media, using Twitter and The View from Cullingworth blog to share, discuss and argue his ideas… especially his personal crusade to shine a light on ‘nannying fussbucketry’.

Emma Pentelow is a director of The Pentelow Practice, a Principal Partner Practice within EmmaPentelowSt. James’s Place a FTSE 100 Wealth management firm with offices in both Skipton and Leeds. Emma specialises in working with Owner Managed Businesses and has an interest in later life advice and planning.  Schooled at North Halifax High she’s worked in Woolworths, been a bar manager and a chamber maid. She graduated from Glasgow University with an MA in Management and Sociology, and worked in industry for several years before being persuaded by her dad to train as a financial advisor within his practice. She now manages a portfolio of 233 private and corporate clients.

In addition to two of Bradford’s most powerful politicians, we’ll be announcing further panel members shortly.

To find out how the Leave vote will affect you, your District, your council and beyond, join us for our latest – dare we say final? – EU Referendum debate. Get your ticket today.
